Academic visiting of Prof. Tatyana Polenova

05T5管理员 Date : 2019-04-04

Structure and Dynamics of Protein Assemblies by Magic Angle Spinning NMR Spectroscopy

Tatyana Polenova, University of Delaware, Newark DE 19716

(18th Lecture of DICP 70 Years' Anniverary)


Knowledge of three-dimensional architecture and molecular dynamics of macromolecular assemblies is essential for our understanding of their biological functions, in healthy and disease states. The focus of our laboratory is the development and application of magic angle spinning NMR based methods for structure and dynamics characterization of large protein assemblies at atomic-level resolution. In this lecture, I will discuss the recent methodological advances developed in our lab that enable characterization of such systems, and their application to microtubule-associated and HIV-1 proteins.To study such protein assemblies, we have focused our efforts on establishing NMR methodologies that overcome sensitivity and resolution challenges, as well as an integrated MAS NMR, DNP, MD, and DFT approach. The insights gained into structural and dynamic basis of CAP-Gly’s biological function and interaction with its binding partners and microtubules, and also the structure and dynamics of HIV-1 capsid proteins (CA) assemblies and their complexes with a host cell proteins cyclophilin A and TRIM5α, will be presented.

Tatyana Polenovais a Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Director of an NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (NIH-COBRE, “Molecular Design of Advanced Biomaterials”) at the University of Delaware. She received her B.S. degree (diploma with excellence) from Moscow State University in Russian Federation in 1992. She received M. A., M. Phil., and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University (with Professor Ann McDermott) in 1994, 1996, and 1997, respectively. She continued as a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University (with Professor Ann McDermott) in 1997-1999. In 1999, she joined the chemistry and biochemistry faculty of CUNY-Hunter College as an assistant professor in 1999, and then relocated to Newark, Delaware, to join the chemistry and biochemistry faculty of the University of Delaware in 2003. She was promoted to an associate professor in 2006, and to full professor in 2012. Her research interests are interdisciplinary and focus on understanding structure, dynamics and function of complex macromolecular assemblies, biological tissues and inorganic materials in the solid state. Prof. Tatyana Polenova has published over 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals such as PNAS,J. Am. Chem. Soc., Acc. Chem. Res., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., PLoS One, Nat. Commun. etc. Tatyana Polenova was the recipient of the Miller Award for Outstanding Teaching (Columbia University, 2004), NSF-CAREER Award (2003), and the Young Investigator Presentation Award (the 5th International Symposium on Chemistry and Biological Chemistry of Vanadium, 2006).
